PQS Quality Corner Show

How EPIC Pharmacies Empowers Pharmacy Success with EQUIPP

PQS Season 5 Episode 14

Claire Schrunk, PharmD, Director of Clinical Pharmacy Operations at EPIC Pharmacies, Inc., talks with the Quality Corner Show about how they recommend using EQUIPP to boost patient care and revenue. 

Host Brittany Boyd, Sr. Manager of Pharmacy Training and Support at PQS by Innovaccer asks Schrunk about the benefits that pharmacies are seeing from using EQUIPP. Schrunk explains the importance of reviewing opportunities related to quality measure medication adherence and Enhanced Services and provides some tips for pharmacies on using the platform. 

00:00:00:24 - 00:00:39:10

Claire Schrunk

You know when I do meet with our stores and let them know, hey, EQUIPP has this text message reminder program where they will alert you to those opportunities when they come your way, and the most common response that I do get is absolutely. I will take all of the reminders that I can get. So I think, you know, from hearing directly from stores, those touchpoints just helped increase the engagement overall and ultimately helps their patients in maintaining their health medications and their medication regimens.


00:00:39:12 - 00:01:08:00

Brittany Boyd

Welcome to the Pharmacy Solutions Quality Corner Show. Buckle up and put your thinking cap on. The Quality Corner Show starts now. All right hello Quality Corner Show listeners, thank you all for joining us today. Today's edition of the Quality Corner Show. We do have Miss Claire Schrunk with us. She is a pharmacist coming with us here from the Epic Pharmacy Service Administrative Organization, or PSAO.


00:01:08:02 - 00:01:20:20

Brittany Boyd

Claire, thank you for joining us today. We are so happy to have you on board. I'm going to let you introduce yourself and give us a little bit more about what you do there at EPIC Give us your title, your background and what you're gonna talk to us about today.


00:01:20:22 - 00:01:48:19

Claire Schrunk

Yeah, absolutely. So thank you guys for having me on today. My name is Claire Schrunk. I am the clinical programs director at Epic Pharmacy Network. A little bit of background about me. So I graduated from Virginia Tech. I went to VCU pharmacy school here in Richmond, Virginia. Throughout my pharmacy school time, I worked as a, you know, technician, intern, pharmacist for a large chain.


00:01:48:21 - 00:02:15:11

Claire Schrunk

And so I have I've been very familiar with the day to day tasks of what pharmacists go through during my time in the retail setting. I, you know, was a floater. I was a staff pharmacist. So I'm very familiar with, you know, what independent pharmacies go through and how I can help most effectively utilize my experience and my knowledge to help our independent pharmacies.


00:02:15:13 - 00:02:32:10

Brittany Boyd

Thank you so much for that background there, Claire. And you doing your background, let me realize I failed to give mine, Brittany Boyd, Sr. Manager of Pharmacy Training and Support here of PQS by Innovaccer. And as you mentioned, Claire, you work directly with the pharmacies and ensuring that they have the assistance they need on the independent side.


00:02:32:10 - 00:02:55:14

Brittany Boyd

And so PQS, we're allowed to do that by empowering pharmacies, by utilizing the EQUIPP platform to have that. And so throughout today's discussion with Claire, we are going to review what are some ways that the pharmacies there with EPIC actually are utilizing EQUIPP. So are you able to provide us with some feedback of how EQUIPP has actually helped your pharmacies drive their business success.


00:02:55:16 - 00:03:21:06

Claire Schrunk

Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for that question. So I do want to provide a little bit of additional background context from when I first started my role to kind of where we are now. So I will be completely honest with you, I was not aware of a lot of the details surrounding adherence measures. And, you know, all of those details involving the components of the clinical aspect, for example, PDC scores.


00:03:21:06 - 00:03:56:05

Claire Schrunk

I had absolutely no idea what those were. I'd never heard of those before. So it did take a little bit of time, you know, just kind of researching and figuring out exactly how I can be the most effective in my role. And I will say EQUIPP has helped me tremendously. And kind of taking those components that I had researched and helping kind of put all of the missing pieces of the puzzle together to where I can then, you know, most effectively communicate that information to our pharmacies in, you know, a very just, clear and concise way.


00:03:56:07 - 00:04:10:07

Claire Schrunk

And I will say, I am very, very, very excited to share that, you know, over the past 16 months, we have increased our store log in percentages by about 125%. I'm very excited to share that with you guys today.


00:04:10:09 - 00:04:41:11

Brittany Boyd

Yeah, those are fantastic statistics. And Claire, if I may, I'll actually off to be able to share with you some transparency there. I can relate of not, fully knowing the depth, of how important quality measure performance is and really understanding that PDC rates make such an impact, not just only, with your performance in the pharmacy, with our health plan partners of you being able to make sure that those scores are really achieving the goal, expectations from health plans.


00:04:41:11 - 00:05:07:08

Brittany Boyd

And we know, making sure that they are seeing you in that positive light in the pharmacy, that, hey, you're taking care of your patients in the right way, right? But also ensuring that your patients are achieving their health outcomes. Right. And that's a really strong benefit to those PDC rates. Having been at PQS now those past six years, I've seen such great results in being able to utilize the EQUIPP platform and having that insight to that information and the quality measurement details that are really there.


00:05:07:08 - 00:05:20:20

Brittany Boyd

And we've now kind of expanded past that, and into enhanced services opportunities and other things that are there. But what are some things that you would describe are the biggest benefits that EQUIPP brings to your pharmacies and to EPIC as an organization?


00:05:20:22 - 00:05:53:06

Claire Schrunk

Yeah, absolutely. So I think definitely from a financial perspective, you know, every single penny is absolutely crucial to independent pharmacies, especially in, you know, the current landscape that we're in and the pharmacies that utilize EQUIPP, you know, they reap the benefits from that. I'll give you a few examples. So, you know, I've had a few stores tell me that they were actually able to keep their pharmacy doors open, you know, from taking advantage of these opportunities and really utilizing EQUIPP to increase their adherence scores.


00:05:53:06 - 00:06:17:07

Claire Schrunk

And I think also from, you know, a patient perspective, implementing programs like Med Sync and, you know, auto refill, not only do those help the adherence scores, but they also, you know, increase patient satisfaction. And ultimately pharmacists, you know, we are here to help serve patients and optimize their health and their medication regiments.


00:06:17:09 - 00:06:35:04

Brittany Boyd

That's a very, very good fact there. Claire, that knowing that the financial aspect to the pharmacies and that impact is very big. You know, we are now on the other side of the final rule, and we're in a, no longer in the post DIR world we're seeing it now on the forefront, no longer on the back end.


00:06:35:04 - 00:06:54:23

Brittany Boyd

And so trying to understand, you know, how the way the pharmacies can further engage with their patients and utilizing EQUIPP to do so is really impactful. So it is fantastic to know and to hear that pharmacies are able to keep their doors open by doing what they do best, engaging with their patients and utilizing EQUIPP to do so.


00:06:55:00 - 00:07:14:23

Brittany Boyd

And so, you know, the additional Enhanced Services programing that we offer through are EQUIPP now through the adherence monitoring program. You really call that out when speaking of, you know, the Med Sync and the auto refills that are already being put into play and again, making sure that they are doing well on those quality measures and ensuring that they're achieving those goals that are set there.


00:07:15:00 - 00:07:27:20

Brittany Boyd

The other additional programs that are now available, like controlling blood pressure and A1c testing that could potentially be available through EQUIPP. How are your pharmacy staff, addressing, you know, being able to complete those opportunities to enhance services and EQUIPP?


00:07:27:22 - 00:08:06:18

Claire Schrunk

Yeah, absolutely. So I'll give a few different examples of some, you know, direct feedback that I heard from speaking with our stores and what they are doing to implement these enhanced service opportunities into their workflow. And I'll just use the controlling blood pressure program as an example. So number one, printing out the list of eligible patients and placing that list at different, you know, workflow stations at their pharmacy, whether that's at pick up at drop off, you know, at the pharmacist station or in the counseling room, just having those different, touchpoints and increased engagement from the pharmacy staff.


00:08:06:19 - 00:08:32:16

Claire Schrunk

You know, that just helps at the end of the day, kind of hone in on the importance of enhanced services. Number two, when pharmacists are verifying prescriptions, you know, they check that list of patients and they'll actually write on those receipts, you know, blood pressure check. Or they'll post a sticky note on that receipt. That's another touchpoint there. Third would be, you know, putting a note into the computer system.


00:08:32:16 - 00:08:57:22

Claire Schrunk

So that way, you know, when the patient comes to pick up their prescription, that note will populate, alerting that pharmacy employee, hey, this patient is eligible for a blood pressure reading there. And lastly, I think this is absolutely huge is, definitely taking advantage of the text message reminders that EQUIPP does offer. Now, I do have a funny, side story.


00:08:57:22 - 00:09:27:24

Claire Schrunk

I just want to share really quick. So I actually signed up our CEO's pharmacy for the enhanced or for the text message reminders, and I get a call a few minutes later and he's like, Claire, was this you? And I said, it sure was, let's get to work. But in all seriousness, you know what? I do meet with our stores and let them know, hey, EQUIPP has this text message reminder program where they will alert you to those opportunities when they come your way.


00:09:27:24 - 00:09:52:21

Claire Schrunk

And the most common response that I do get is absolutely. I will take all of the reminders that I can get so I think, you know, from hearing directly from stores, those touchpoints just helps increase the engagement overall and ultimately helps their patients in maintaining their, their, health medications and their medication regimens.


00:09:52:23 - 00:10:13:14

Brittany Boyd

That is fantastic feedback, Claire, and really great to hear some of those actionable steps that your pharmacies are taking. You know, for printing out the list, the text messaging is huge. I do love that you signed up your CEO for text messaging. Super actionable. I, I think it's helpful. So I'm going to ask you something that, is kind of just off the cuff here.


00:10:13:14 - 00:10:33:02

Brittany Boyd

When we think about prioritization and just ensuring that the pharmacies are engaged and printing off those lists, when we have that information in the Enhanced Services page where they can very clearly see, you know, hey, make sure that you have this done by this date or making sure that you know that those fills are completed in that that timely manner.


00:10:33:06 - 00:10:48:24

Brittany Boyd

Or are you getting direct feedback from your pharmacies, you know, or they're saying like, hey, we were able to make sure that we got this in by then. We're seeing those revenue dollars continuing to come in. I'm sure that you are getting that type of feedback, considering that they're able to keep their doors open, but just really would love to hear some feedback.


00:10:48:24 - 00:11:12:01

Brittany Boyd

And I'm sure all of our partners would love to hear, just from you know, that because we hear, you know, the time constraints, right? We know that the pharmacies are typically super overwhelmed with the patients coming in and the amount of staff that they have, but having those dates and just knowing you need to be able to have something completed by a certain time, is that beneficial for the pharmacy, and will that help them maybe prioritize their efforts a little bit better?


00:11:12:03 - 00:11:42:07

Claire Schrunk

Oh yeah, absolutely. And I think it's also just human nature. You know, when you have a set date that you need to complete something by, you know, you make it a goal to get that accomplished. So I think that that is absolutely key as well. And then just having, you know, those reminders from not just the text messages, but also having other employees in the pharmacy, whether it's technician, intern, you know, another pharmacist having, you know, everyone kind of engaged in the overall picture, you know, is the key to to success.


00:11:42:09 - 00:12:00:06

Brittany Boyd

Thank you. Claire. Those are super helpful tips that you gave us for prioritization and making sure that everything is in line and ensuring that the pharmacies have a way to engage better with their patients. So how else would you would you suggest that our pharmacies drive further success with blood pressure readings or taking A1c, having A1c


00:12:00:06 - 00:12:02:08

Brittany Boyd

readings taken in the pharmacy?


00:12:02:10 - 00:12:28:03

Claire Schrunk

Yeah, absolutely. So I think that pharmacies that have Higi machines, for example, I think utilizing those are super important. You know, the patient comes to pick up a prescription. The technician or the pharmacist can walk them over to the Higi machine, get the reading document, you know, kind of move on from there. I also think this may not be the most, you know, popular way, but I think just that good old fashioned cold calling patients, you know?


00:12:28:05 - 00:12:54:02

Claire Schrunk

Hey, Miss Smith, next time you're in the pharmacy, let's get your blood pressure checked. You know, to ensure that your therapy is still appropriate and you can address any concerns you know, that you may have there. And of course, we are in vaccination season. It is well underway, and it is not slowing down any time soon. I think this is another great opportunity to really maximize those enhanced services programs.


00:12:54:04 - 00:13:10:12

Claire Schrunk

You know, when a patient comes in to get a vaccine, they can review that patient list that's already in the counseling room. And, you know, you can knock out two birds with one stone there. So I think those are also additional ideas that pharmacies can implement moving forward.


00:13:10:14 - 00:13:29:08

Brittany Boyd

Really awesome feedback there Claire. Thank you. And those are again very actionable steps they can take. So when we talk about our bonus questions here, just have some other follow up for you. I want to know how do you suggest or other words of advice that you provide to others, either get started in EQUIPP or even improving


00:13:29:10 - 00:13:43:03

Brittany Boyd

when it comes to using quality measures, enhance services? You gave us some really great tips here today, so really interested to hear from you. What are some other words of advice or words of wisdom that you can give to our audience?


00:13:43:05 - 00:14:24:12

Claire Schrunk

Yeah, absolutely. So I think, hands down, my biggest piece of advice is to just have a general understanding of the, you know, foundational components of adherence. You know, I think sometimes adherence has a misconception that it doesn't matter, but in reality, you know, that is just not the case. It it does matter. I've seen situations where pharmacies may try to implement, you know, two, three, four different avenues to help increase their bottom line when really, you know, focusing on that adherence component and utilizing EQUIPP to do that could help them get there, you know, just as easily.


00:14:24:18 - 00:14:32:07

Claire Schrunk

And of course, you know, taking advantage of those enhanced opportunities, enhanced service opportunities as well.


00:14:32:09 - 00:14:46:17

Brittany Boyd

Fantastic. My next question for you here is going to be, just wanting to understand from you, what would you say to a health plan if you could, you know, if you had one opportunity to sit down with the health plan and give some feedback, you know, what would that look like?


00:14:46:19 - 00:15:20:01

Claire Schrunk

Yeah, absolutely. So I think there are three components that really make up a meaningful and sustainable quality program. In no particular order, because I think they are all three equally as important. But I would definitely say number one, having reliable and consistent data. Number two, the program must be easy and intuitive for users to use. Number three, the incentive component also must be there.


00:15:20:03 - 00:15:51:17

Claire Schrunk

You know, pharmacists are superheroes and they deserve to be treated and rewarded as such. And you know, when pharmacists are in a good position, the patients are also in a good position, and then from there the plans are also in a good position. So it benefits everyone. It is all connected. It is all a chain reaction. And that really starts with that community level feeling between the pharmacist and the patient to where it then also benefits the health plan.


00:15:51:23 - 00:16:02:02

Claire Schrunk

But just having a very simplified and easy way to implement these quality programs is absolutely key, in my opinion.


00:16:02:04 - 00:16:37:02

Brittany Boyd

And that simplified an easy way of using EQUIPP, right Claire? as well. Yes. Right. And also in using EQUIPP, ensuring that, you know, like you said, the data there is accurate, it's timely, it's efficient, it's easy to use, easy to understand. That's the same. We want the programs to be consumed and to be utilized by our pharmacy partners and just want to again, call out for those enhanced services opportunities that we're hosting in a EQUIPP, ensuring that for adherence monitoring to your point, clear, those things are being prioritized and done by those specific dates and documented, and that we are completing those fields in that timely manner in EQUIPP that we


00:16:37:02 - 00:16:55:13

Brittany Boyd

are in the pharmacy, but also then documenting and EQUIPP. We are doing the same for controlling blood pressure and ensuring that we are getting that blood pressure reading via any electronic method. So you call out the Higi machine, but also knowing that you can do that with any other. If there's an electronic blood pressure monitor you have in the pharmacy, you can use those things.


00:16:55:13 - 00:17:21:24

Brittany Boyd

And just making sure that you are documenting within that window that's appropriate and available. Make sure you have that accurately in the in the dashboard A1c readings, making sure again that you're getting those values you're documenting. You're putting that in there. And you have that additional incentive that's tied back to you in the pharmacy. To your point earlier you call it out, the pharmacy is being able to keep their doors open, and they're able to earn additional revenue back by simply engaging with the platform and having that information saved.


00:17:21:24 - 00:17:42:20

Brittany Boyd

And so the entire pharmacy staff can get involved with that. And using EQUIPP is the method in which to do that in, and like you said, the health plans get the additional benefit from being able to see us engage. And that's the way that we keep these programs alive and well as having very talented and amazing pharmacies like yourself and your pharmacies that you represent there.


00:17:42:20 - 00:18:05:15

Brittany Boyd

Epic, and other staff members that are participating and continuing to contribute to the positive patient health outcomes. You guys are impacting every single day. So it is fantastic the work that you guys can do and continue to do. It is honestly immeasurable. And so we just really thank you for your continued partnership here. Are there any closing remarks and comments you want to provide clear to our Quality Corner Podcast Show


00:18:05:19 - 00:18:08:16

Brittany Boyd

Listeners and audience here before we wrap up?


00:18:08:18 - 00:18:30:01

Claire Schrunk

Yeah, I just want to say thank you for having me on here today. I love having these conversations and getting out, you know, any message that I can, if I can help just one person than I have done my job. If anyone has any questions, I am on LinkedIn, and you could always shoot me an email to, clinicalprograms@epicrx.com.


00:18:30:03 - 00:18:32:20

Claire Schrunk

I will be happy to help you out there.


00:18:32:22 - 00:18:52:02

Brittany Boyd

Thank you so much, Claire, and thank you to our Quality Corner Show listeners. Again, I am Brittany Boyd with PQS by Innovaccer. Thank you all for joining today and help you join us again next week. The Pharmacy Quality Solutions Quality Corner Show has a request for you. Our goal is to spread the word about how quality measurement can help improve health outcomes.


00:18:52:02 - 00:19:15:04

Brittany Boyd

And we need your help in sharing this podcast to friends and colleagues in the health care industry. We also want you to provide feedback, ask us questions, and suggest health topics you'd like to see covered. If you are a health expert and you want to contribute to the show or even talk on the show, please contact us. You can email info@pharmacyquality.com.


00:19:15:06 - 00:19:26:11

Brittany Boyd

Let us know what is on your mind, what we can address so that you are fully informed. We want you to be able to provide the best care for your patients and members, and we wish all of you listeners out there well.